
AMH Lasertech

is a Division of

AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls

Via Alcide De Gasperi, 15

10024 - Moncalieri

VAT IT03765950120

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Art.1 - General Provisions

These conditions govern the online sale of products offered by AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls with registered office at Via Alcide De Gasperi n. 15, ZIP code 10024, Moncalieri (Turin-Italy), VAT number 03795650120, hereinafter referred to as "AMH" through its official website www.amhlaser.com. These conditions may be subject to changes, and the date indicated below is equivalent to the date of drafting and publication on the website and their entry into force. The current conditions apply exclusively to purchases made on the official website www.amhlaser.com in accordance with Legislative Decree 70/2003 regarding electronic commerce.

Art. 2 - Pre-contractual Conditions

Before concluding the purchase contract by validating the order, the customer is informed of:
- the total price of the goods inclusive of taxes, with a breakdown of shipping costs and any other costs, but exclusive of VAT;
- payment methods;
- the deadline within which AMH undertakes to deliver the goods, subject to unforeseen justifications beyond AMH's control;
- the existence of the legal guarantee of conformity for the purchased goods.

The information regarding AMH such as the address, telephone number, email address, are as follows:
Registered office Via Alcide De Gasperi 15 – 10024 Moncalieri (Turin-Italy)

Email: assistenza.clienti@amhlaser.com

The presentation of products on the Site does not constitute a public offer but an invitation to the Customer to make an offer for the product, a so-called invitation to offer.

Art. 3 - Object of the contract and different types of Customers

These general terms and conditions of sale govern the sale by AMH of the products indicated and offered for sale on the official website www.amhlaser.com. By proceeding with the purchase procedure, the customer accepts these general terms and conditions of sale and the data protection policies indicated at the bottom and adopted by AMH as data controller. The user (hereinafter referred to as Customer) is required, before accessing the products provided by the websites, to carefully read these general terms and conditions of sale provided by AMH, which are generally and unequivocally accepted at the time of purchase. In the order confirmation email, the Customer will also receive the link to download and store a copy of these general terms and conditions of sale, as provided for in art. 51 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014.

Art. 4 - Offered Products

The movable goods marketed by AMH include, by way of example and not exhaustively: Laser marking, engraving and cutting machines, precision cutting tools for turning and milling, Machine tools and production equipment, Abrasives, Hand tools, Articles for mechanical workshops. The offer is detailed on the website www.amhlaser.com. Before concluding the purchase contract, the customer can view the characteristics of the goods illustrated in the appropriate dedicated areas of the website before the selection moment.

Art. 4B – Special Conditions for SKYPHOENIX Laser Systems

4B.1. AMH and SKYPHOENIX guarantee delivery, installation (if requested), and testing (if requested) of their laser systems at the customer's premises. The costs for installation, testing, transportation, taxes, and VAT are not included in the sales price and should be carefully evaluated in the offer.

4B.2. Delivery times will be communicated on a case-by-case basis when ordering. Any delays in the delivery of machinery, or in installation and testing, will be communicated to the customer in advance. AMH and SKYPHOENIX are not responsible for delays caused by force majeure events beyond their control.

4B.3. The accepted payment method is 100% advance payment for orders with delivery within 15 working days. In case the goods are shipped by sea and the delivery time is between 15 and 60 days, 50% of the total offer amount is required as a deposit, to be paid by bank transfer at the time of order. The remaining 50% upon notification of goods ready in Italy.

4B.4. Any additional costs or expenses not included in the offer are considered not included in the offer.

4B.5. Travel, subsistence, and accommodation costs for technicians managing the installation will be quantified and invoiced separately. Request the cost table in advance.

4B.6. The goods are generally ready at the Henan plant. Average delivery times by sea range from 45 to 60 working days. Any delays due to force majeure events not attributable to SKYPHOENIX or AMH will be communicated on a case-by-case basis.

For any dispute, the competent court is the Court of Turin.

Art. 5 - Conclusion of the Contract

The contract is concluded exclusively through the internet, by the customer accessing the private area accessible from the website www.amhlaser.com and placing an order according to the procedure provided on the website itself. The order is placed after registration: it will be necessary to complete the registration procedure in the dedicated area, follow the relevant registration instructions, and then access the purchasing area by logging in. Upon successful registration, the customer receives a confirmation email.

Before concluding the contract, the customer must read the general terms and conditions of sale, the images of each product, the respective price, the payment methods that can be used, the delivery methods of the purchased products and their shipping costs, the conditions for exercising the rights deriving from the legal warranty, and the methods and times for returning the purchased products. From the moment of successful completion of the online order submission procedure, the Customer undertakes to make the purchase. This will happen by clicking on the "ORDER WITH OBLIGATION OF PAYMENT" button at the end of the guided procedure.

Upon completion of the order, the Customer will receive an email with a summary of their data. The email contains the customer's data and order number, the price of the purchased goods, shipping costs, the delivery address to which the goods will be sent, and the link to print and store a copy of these conditions. The customer undertakes to check and verify the correctness of the personal data contained in the aforementioned email and to promptly communicate any corrections/modifications to be made. AMH reserves the right to accept the proposal. As a mere example, the Seller may not accept the Order if the Buyer:

- is or has previously been in default, for any reason, towards the Seller;
- is subject to enforcement procedures;
- is in a state of liquidation, compulsory or voluntary, or submits a petition or is subject to bankruptcy proceedings;
- is in such conditions as to jeopardize the regular payment of the goods subject to the contract, based on analyses carried out for the purpose of preventing and controlling the risk of insolvency, fraud control, and credit protection.
The conclusion of the sales contract will take place by sending an order acceptance email from AMH.

Art. 5B. Effectiveness of the Contract

The customer will be obliged to pay the price from the moment the online order submission procedure is completed. This will happen by clicking on the "ORDER WITH OBLIGATION OF PAYMENT" button at the end of the guided procedure. Once the contract is concluded, AMH takes charge of the order for its fulfillment

. AMH undertakes to deliver the goods within 14 working days from the date of sending the order confirmation email.

Art. 5C. Duration of the Contract

The Offer involves the performance of services that are exhausted upon completion of the same ("one-shot services and/or products"). In the case of "one-shot services and/or products", this contract will expire, without prejudice to the obligations relating to the payment of consideration by the Customer, at the end of the execution of the activities.

Art.6 – Registered Users

When completing the registration procedures, the customer undertakes to follow the instructions on the website and to provide their personal data correctly and truthfully. Once registration is completed, the customer will receive a confirmation email at the email address provided. Confirmation of the data will in any case exempt AMH from any liability regarding the data provided by the user. The user undertakes to promptly inform AMH of any changes to their data previously communicated or to modify them personally in the dedicated area. On the occasion of the first activation request of the profile, the customer will enter their username and a personal password. The customer acknowledges that these identifying data constitute the validation system for the customer's access to the service offered and the only system suitable for identifying the customer to whom the acts performed through such access will be attributed and will be binding on them. The customer undertakes to keep their access data confidential and to guard them with due care and diligence and not to transfer them, even temporarily, to third parties.

Art. 7 – Product Availability

The availability of the products refers to the actual availability at the time the customer places the order. Availability should still be considered indicative because products may be sold to other customers before the order is confirmed, due to the simultaneous presence of multiple users on the website, or there may be a computer anomaly making the purchase of a product available when it is not. Also, even in the case of an order confirmation email sent by AMH, situations of unavailability, total or partial, of the goods may occur. In such cases, the order will be automatically corrected by removing the unavailable product or products, and the customer will be immediately informed via email, also of the possibility of replacing the product with others offered. If the customer requests cancellation of the order, resolving the contract, AMH will reimburse any amounts paid by the customer. The customer will be promptly informed via email of the methods and timing of the refund of any amounts paid.

Art. 8 – Payment Methods and Prices

The price of the products is the one indicated from time to time on the official website www.amhlaser.com under each product. The sales prices are expressed in euros, exclusive of VAT and do not include shipping costs. Shipping costs are indicated and calculated at the time of completing the purchase process before finalizing the payment. Taxes are also added at this time. Once the products are selected, they will be added to the cart, simply follow the instructions for purchase, entering or verifying the information required at each step of the process. Order details can be modified before payment. Payment can be made through the payment methods indicated on the website such as: - Credit cards indicated during payment; - Bank transfer.

Art. 9 - Express Termination Clause

In the event that payment for the product purchased by the customer does not take place within 7 days, for reasons attributable to the customer, the contract is considered terminated without the need for further notice, therefore AMH is no longer contractually bound to the customer. The right to compensation for damages remains.

Art. 10 - Transfer of Risk

The transfer of risk takes place at the time of the physical departure of the goods from the AMH warehouse to be delivered to the Customer. The clause "the goods are delivered ex-warehouse AMH and travel at the risk and peril of the purchaser" applies without derogation. In no case can AMH be held liable for negligence of carriers and couriers, thefts, losses, and other events not directly attributable to AMH.

Art. 11 – Delivery

Delivery will take place after receiving the total payment for the order placed. AMH ships throughout Italy. AMH delivers, via express courier, to the customer's domicile provided at the time of ordering no later than 14 days from the date of receipt by the customer of the order confirmation email sent by AMH. If delivery is not possible, the order will be sent to the courier's depot. In this case, a notice will specify the location of the order and the methods for agreeing on a new delivery. In this case, management costs may be applied. Shipping costs are borne by the customer for orders under 500 Euros (Five Hundred Euros) and are explicitly highlighted at the time of placing the order. Shipping costs are free for orders over 500 Euros.

Art.12 – Legal Warranty of Conformity

AMH is responsible for any defect in the products offered within the indicated websites, including the non-conformity of the articles to the ordered products. The resolution of the problem will take place in a timely manner. The report must be made in writing and accompanied by photos. For Business Customers, the rules provided for in Articles 1470 et seq. of the Civil Code apply. It is specified here that the Business Customer has the right to obtain resolution of the contract, a price reduction, or product replacement if the sold goods are defective. To exercise these rights, the Business Customer must notify AMH of the presence of the defect within 8 days of discovery. The action of the Business customer is time-barred one year from delivery. Defects attributable to misuse, accidental breakage, or normal wear and tear will not be covered by the legal warranty. The Customer must return the goods after completing the appropriate form available on the website. The return will be made by carrier of their choice. Once the goods have been received and the defect confirmed, a refund including shipping costs will be arranged. Any urgent needs of the Customer may entail additional management costs. All products are carefully checked before shipping.

Art. 13 - Acts of Toleration

Under no circumstances will the possible failure to exercise any right by the Seller constitute a waiver of the right to demand exact fulfillment, such omissive conduct being qualified as mere tolerance.

Art. 14

- Data Processing

The customer's data is processed by AMH in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on the protection of personal data, as specified in the information pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR 679/2016 below.

Art. 15 – Applicable Law and Competent Court

These general conditions of sale are governed by Italian law and interpreted in accordance with it. All disputes concerning the application of these General Conditions will be the responsibility of the Court of Turin. For matters not expressly provided for, reference is made to the provisions of the Civil Code and special laws. These general conditions of sale were drawn up on 01/06/2023.



The General Data Protection Regulation (better known as GDPR 679/2016) entails numerous innovations in the field of personal data processing, not only with regard to natural persons but also to legal entities. AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls has seriously considered the privacy of its customers by adapting its procedures to comply with current legislation.

With this communication, AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls wishes to communicate the following:

Acquisition of collaborators' data in B2B1 relationships
The services provided by AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls can be, as in this case, of the B2B or even B2C type. Providing a service to a legal person client may involve the acquisition, by AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls, of some personal data of the Client's collaborators. Such information may be acquired to facilitate communication between AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls and the Client for the following purposes:


- administrative accounting
- urgent communications on the status of services
- surveys on customer satisfaction
- any other specific purposes provided for in the contract


In particular, common personal data such as names, email addresses, and telephone numbers may be acquired: for the aforementioned purposes, no data belonging to special categories or relating to criminal convictions and offenses (Articles 9 and 10 GDPR) will be acquired. The data acquired by AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls may be recorded in lists (paper or computerized) or through the use of company management systems, and used exclusively for the aforementioned purposes by personnel authorized to carry out such processing activities. The retention of such data will take place for the entire duration of the relationship between AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls and the Client, subject to any requests for rectification, modification, or deletion by the Client or the interested party themselves.


Promotional and marketing activities
The use of the Client's institutional email channels, except for that directly aimed at providing the contracted service, greetings, and the sending of newsletters (for which the possibility of unsubscribing is provided) may also occur, subject to specific consent, for the purpose of sending advertising material or commercial communications regarding new activities proposed by AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls. Consent to the processing of data collected for promotional purposes is optional, and any refusal to use it will not have consequences on the execution of the agreed-upon services. AMH Amministrazioni & Mandati Srls undertakes not to communicate the data of registered customers on its databases to third parties except in cases expressly provided for by law.